Monday, September 1, 2008

Earth-Healing Fire Ceremony.

What a wonderful day for the ceremony, as I set the 13 grandfathers stones to hold the space I wonder how the weather would hold up. Would it rain or would the sun shine on us. I looked to the sky and did not see a cloud in sight and I knew we would be blessed.

I really enjoyed selecting the sticks for the inner tepee and then cutting bigger branches for the outer tepee. The whole time arranging the wood I thought about mother Earth and how important he is to all of us and how we take her for granted.

As we spin on this big blue planet I think about my ancestors and how they might looked and treated the earth. I can bet that it was way different the way we do things these days. But at the same time we have such advancements like water treatment plants, trash refuse. More people more waste and consumption of natural resources.

My friends and family took part in the special moment. We said prayers and honored the space. After we lit the fire, I embraced the flames to my chest I could feel the warmth of the in my chest. I felt like I was in a different time and place. I knew that the earth and I connected for that moment. For she is a living being, she is all my relations.
As we all shared the fire and we all gave thanks to Mother Earth and returned the love with our hearts and souls. I was very touched and very sad to think that we hurt her so much and use her and abuse her and we dump on her like an old rag. I will never look or be the same after the ceremony.

As fast as I lit the fire to the wood, the flame died out and all that was left was the hot embers of the wood. The wood that held the flame was once more ash and the energy had transmuted into something different and new. I too transmuted into something different and new.

More picture of the Earth-Healing Fire Ceremony